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Calendar April 17 - 21, 2023
location Chicago, IL

React js

Facebook created React.js was created in 2011 by Facebook. In 2012 Instagram also started using it. In 2013 React.js was made open sourced. Today, React.js is used by many Fortune 500 companies.

Why Should One Use React?
React is Flexible as can be used on a vast variety of platforms to build quality user interfaces. Its library approach has allowed React to evolve into such a remarkable tool.


Once you generate a static site with React using tools like Gatsby. This can be used by React Native to build mobile apps. You can even create Desktop applications using a tool like Electron, which can run on mac and windows with React.js technology.

"Learn React Once and Write Everywhere" -

"The main advantage of using a Library over a Framework, is its lightweight and freedom to choose different tools.

  • React Has a Great Developer Experience
  • React Has Facebook's Support/Resources
  • React Has Broader Community Support, Too
  • React Has Great Performance

Angular JS

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework created by Google. It has the potential to make all kinds of front-end development easy. AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It allow you to use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly and succinctly.

The main purpose of AngularJS is to elongate web applications with MVC (Model–view–controller) capability. This is a client-side JavaScript MVC/MVVM framework that is fully extensible, with no library dependencies and works great with other libraries.

Reasons To Choose AngularJS For Web Development

  • Support of Google
  • Simple MVC Architecture
  • Support for Single-Page Applications
  • High-End Productivity

Node js

Node.js is actually not a framework or a library, but a runtime environment, based on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

In traditional web-serving techniques each connection (request) spawns a new thread, taking up system RAM and eventually maxing-out at the amount of RAM available, Node.js operates on a single-thread, using non-blocking I/O calls, allowing asynchronously programming, which is very memory efficient.


Node helps in building fast, scalable network applications, as it's capable of handling a huge number of simultaneous connections with high throughput, which equates to high scalability.

The Benefits of Node.js

  • Robust technology stack
  • Fast-processing and event-based model
  • Scalable technology for microservices
  • Rich ecosystem
  • Seamless JSON support

Drawbacks of Node.js

  • Performance bottlenecks with heavy computation tasks
  • Callback hell issue
  • Growing demand for experienced professionals

Vue js

Reasons Why to Choose Vue.js for Web UI Development


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Recent Portfolio Projects

Clinical Trials Registry Portal

A volunteer and researcher data management system that allows researchers to create research projects and get volunteers on board who are willing to be part of research projects. It assists the research institute and its medical researchers and clinicians to uncover the causes of diseases, finding better treatments and providing the best outcome for patients. The developed solution collects data from [...]

Clinical Trials Registry Portal

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EV smartCharging platform

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A B2B2C online agri portal where a large number of agricultural products  are offered by the farmers across various locations are listed to meet the demands. A farmer can upload his product, along with description, pictures and videos, GIFs that includes all the required details about the quantity and price of the product. Buyers can search for the crop and participate in [...]

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Medical skin imaging and analytical solution

Imaging Systems for Aesthetics and Dermatology. Works in the field of aesthetics and early skin cancer detection, using imaging procedures. Business focus is on the development, image management, archiving, and sale of systems for digital aesthetics, dermatoscopy, and body mapping procedures.  We are developing a cloud based solution to integrate new features into the desktop-based medical imaging (SAAS) platform. The [...]

Medical skin imaging and analytical solution

Telemedicine App

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Telemedicine App
Estimate Project