Meet with team smartData

Calendar April 17 - 21, 2023
location Chicago, IL

The coronavirus pandemic continues to present an unparalleled challenge to life and businesses, resulting in our management being proactively involved in making strategic timely moves to mitigate business contingencies under the Business Continuity Process (BCP) plan. This being done through 4 major focus areas:-

Employee Engagement

The situation was correctly prompted resulting in partial WFH from the first week of March 2020 and culminating into 100% WFH from March 20th. The business was as usual for customers through effective use of Enterprise VPN - while ensuring that all security parameters are in place as per our ISO 27001 accreditation. Additional onsite assistance (curfew passes being procured) being regularly provided by our emergency support deputed Information system who visits our facilities on need basis for support and maintenance. Regular interaction with customers and business continuity are being looked after by the engineering and business development teams and as needed direct involvement of the CEO office is ensuring.

Employee Safety

Correct and timely steps were taken for social distancing via alternate seating, partial WFH with flexible hours, sanitization arrangements, and temperature checks at the entrances. Overseas travelers were asked to be in self-quarantine for 2 weeks minimum. Post lockdown- the biggest challenge of heightened anxiety was handled tactically via mass remote counseling drive conducted by our large fantastic HR team. This includes face to face sessions, video conferencing, health-related surveys, social media based competitive games, and fun hours on official communication tools to help purge the anxieties. Regular online sessions by internal speakers and international motivational speakers are being conducted.


As part of our engrained philosophy of CFG, this period will be remembered for our camaraderie which is reflected by our collective benevolent acts towards our community. As an Organization, we have contributed INR 5 Lakhs towards PM Cares fund in month of March & in April entire workforce agreed to donate their one day salary towards #PM cares fund to help Govt of India fight the pandemic at the national level. Complying with 100% govt instructions and being a law-abiding citizen is something we all are proud of in this moment of crisis - handling both work and social front bravely.

Business Continuity

Proactive management with a resolute commitment towards the welfare of smarTians first and then business has resulted in smartData sailing through a pandemic of unbelievable magnitude successfully. Extending the lockdown for the Org to May 3rd one week before the government announcement, 100% WFH before the national lockdown, allowing people to move to their hometown, ensuring continued support and motivation via social media posts, email messages etches the tradition of Big Thinking,Big Collaboration and Big Communication. Covid19 has added a new dimension to it in terms of 1healthyworld.

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Recent Portfolio Projects

Online Booking Platform

This is a community marketplace that allows people to list, discover, and book unique accommodation properties around the world.

  • Property management systems (OTAs) like HotelsPro, RentalsUnited API, Resonline API, Siteminder and Trawex Channel Managers have been integrated into this system for managing the hotel or property information.
  • For booking, the user needs to register first and then he will be redirected to the booking site and property data gets updated automatically after a regular interval of time as well.
Online Booking Platform

AI based Matching Platform

Empowering human-centered care - coordination between healthcare and social service providers and government agencies, enabling clients to work collaboratively with staff. AI-based software which responds to natural language conversation about human needs and refers people to organizations that provide matching health care and social services.

The software enables people to screen for eligibility for government programs and apply them by auto-filling PDF application forms that have been previously parsed by DataKit.

AI based Matching Platform

Episode Adjudication platform

Cloud based episode adjudication platform to automate the process of bundled eligibility and manage claim submissions by the various healthcare providers. Intended to be used in a business model where a particular episode of care can be managed fully and essentially carved out from management within a traditional health plan. Episode Initiator has a financial incentive to get patient enrolled in a bundled payment. Patient visits Episode Initiator (EI) with potential bundled payment condition. EI runs benefit/eligibility check using patient’s primary insurance and eligible patients gets a benefit card that can be printed and given to them. Documentation clearly outlines episode program and benefits to patient.

Episode Adjudication platform

App Mapping Immunogenetics

Propagating molecular therapeutics on genetic mapping, the app submits an immune report card that provides information on up to 60 genes included in the molecular diagnostic tests specific to cancer. It also enables employees to readily access information and to pass on such to clients that increase their awareness about these breakthrough diagnostics and refines their therapeutic approach.

App Mapping Immunogenetics

Auto Case Creation

In auto, case creates each referral is matched with the existing patient in the system on the basis of matching criteria system sets the Referral Status, and here the possible referral status. 
Match note found – If no referral found any match with the existing system, in this case system converts that referral into new patients and assigns a case Id to this referral. 
Review Matches – This status is set when there are multiple matches for a referral, in this case, a manual process happens, in this process user selects particular patients and links that patient to this referral. 
The new case created – When a referral is converted to a patient and gets a case id then the referral’s status becomes a new case created. 

Auto case creation is a technique when a referral is received in the form of an XML file, then this file gets parsed in our product and the information resides in xml files gets saved in the database in sections like Referral Basic Info, Address Info, Diagnosis Info. 

Auto Case Creation

Social Networking for Music Lovers

It is an entertainment and social networking site where you can connect with other professionals and build your career.

Social Networking for Music Lovers
Estimate Project