Cleantech Application Software Development | smartData


Build a Future of Environmental Excellence and Ignite Sustainable Solutions for a Greener World.

Build a Greener World with CleanTech

Industries are making significant shifts towards a more digitized, decarbonized, and resource-efficient industrial future. It is a challenge that will require innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to sustainability from all stakeholders.

We are committed to protecting the environment and conserving natural resources through our CleanTech solutions, which are focused on reducing carbon emissions, waste, and enhancing efficiency.

Our goal is to acheive environmental, sustainability and green objectives therefore we are dedicated to develop and promote innovative clean and green technologies that address climate change, wastage and efficiently utilizing resources.

Global Clean Energy Market (2019- 2027)

We are inspired by the ambitious goal of Europe to become the world's first carbon-neutral capital by 2050 amongst which Copenhagen aims world's first Carbon Neutral capital by 2025. It represents a significant step forward in the fight against climate change and to achieve carbon neutrality. 

Renewable energy accounted for 72% of all new power capacity additions whereas the global electric vehicle market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 22.1% from 2020 to 2027. By following the market trends, we also took the initiative to develop smart charging applications which automatically charge EVs when CO2 levels & electricity prices are low. 

Key focus of GreenTech & CleanTech Solutions 

Our commitment to ESG extends beyond our solutions. We also strive to incorporate sustainable practices into our operations and promote a greener future for all. 

Carbon footprint calculation and reporting 

Help organizations and individuals measure and calculate their carbon emissions across the complete supply chain. Also track progress towards carbon reduction goals and implement strategies to reduce their carbon footprint. 

Waste Management and Recycling

These solutions can include waste-to-energy technologies, composting programs, and recycling initiatives that divert waste from landfills and promote resource conservation. Helps to track waste streams, optimize collection routes, and provide analytics for waste reduction strategies.

SmartCharging & controlling smart home devices

Exploring the world of EVs, home automation and other IOT devices we are helping consumers to automatically consume electricity when it's climate-friendly and cheapest. Through automated and intelligent charging, combined with smart grid integrated flexibility services, we provide EV & smart home users with easy and convenient ways to lower their climate impact while saving money. 

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Environmental Benefits/Climate Crisis

Climate change is one of the main drivers of the global transition to green technology. Our cleanTech solutions can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve natural resources, and protect ecosystems.

Cost Savings

Our reliable clean technology solutions help to reduce operating costs over time. With smart Charging we are not only saving the environment but also operational costs at our end as well.

Regulatory Compliance

In some cases, governments may require businesses to meet certain environmental standards or regulations. Our clean technology solutions can help organizations to comply with these regulations and avoid penalties or fines.

Harness CleanTech solutions for a sustainable tomorrow

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Recent Portfolio Projects

Recipe and Meal Planning platform

It is a lifestyle application with a recipe and meal planning that aims to improve health for both body & mind. Customers can access the application via the web as well as a mobile interface and be able to browse through various healthy recipes curated thoughtfully from the backend by admin with help of certified dieticians and consultants. 

The application aims to provide a healthy lifestyle to its users whereby users can schedule their weekly meals, check nutrient content, browse videos and prepare a relative grocery shopping list. Along with this users can see a list of nearby farmer markets and use Google Maps to navigate to the shops to buy desired groceries.  

Recipe and Meal Planning platform

Knowledge Sharing Platform

We shaped a brand that emanates knowledge. A platform where questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized by its community of users in the form of opinions. All questions and answers posted on can be rated by users which results in a helpful, well rated Q-and-A threads that are highlighted and appear more frequently in users feeds. Additionally, the comment function allows users to participate or discuss the topic of the post.

Knowledge Sharing Platform

ISO Auditing Application

It is a web and iOS based application developed to facilitate the audits by various organizations, It is used by admin, sub-admin, auditors, clients etc. The organization, whosoever is interested to conduct an audit has to register themselves on the website and then the process begins. The auditor uses the respective mobile application for conducting the audits. All other users are web-based.

ISO Auditing Application

Employee Engagement Survey Application

The software aims for attracting and retaining top talents. This application is trying to solve the problem of employee turnover and decrease productivity. This SaaS-based software identifies key elements that create employee satisfaction or disengagement. It will then generate solutions and creative ideas for every manager in order to improve the employee experience. We developed automated engagement surveys, and a comprehensive HR dashboard including 38 key elements, which tells precisely the issues and priorities for each of the company’s teams.

 Employee Engagement Survey Application

Online Ordering Service

Instant ordering app and order capture system for grocery products. It is a B2B platform to connect suppliers with retailers. It allows retailers to place orders through mobile apps. On the other side, it allows suppliers to track orders from different retailers on the web interface. 

Online Ordering Service

Instant messaging app

An instant messaging app allowing users to exchange end-to-end encrypted and content-expiring messages, including photos, videos, and file attachments. This is a chat application that provides a secure communication platform for its users and users (user 1) can instantly connect with other users (user 2) 1:1 or in groups.


Instant messaging app
Estimate Project