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Calendar April 17 - 21, 2023
location Chicago, IL

Native App Development

Native App Development approach involves creating applications for each mobile OS (iOS, Android or Windows Phone) using different languages considering each platform’s peculiarities.

This development model requires different skills and technological know how other than mobile website development. One needn't have to worry about browser behaviour and compatibility.


Here are the key benefits of native mobile app development:

Ultimate User Experience
As a result, of developing app and optimizing for a specific platform using platforms core programming language and APIs the app demonstrates an extremely high level of performance.

Consistent Look and Feel:
These apps are more superior to user experience where the flow of the app is more natural and comes with specific UI standards.

Allow Developers To Access The Full Feature Set Of Devices
As, Native Application is developed for a particular platform, application can directly use GPS, microphone, Camera, and more while executing in a faster way. Push notification works best and helps your app bundle ID with using Google’s Cloud Messaging.

Tends To Have Fewer Bugs During Development
Maintaining two applications in two codebases is far easier than two different applications in one codebase. Native apps produces lesser bugs there is no dependency on a cross-platform development tool such as Xamarin or Cordova.

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Recent Portfolio Projects

Call transcription and communication

A mobile app that helps healthcare providers in after-hour calls with patients and a dashboard that displays transcription and shows extracted entity keywords.

Call transcription and communication

App for Orthodontics

Application help users to stay on track with clear aligners and they can book a time to speak with a licensed dentist and orthodontist to ensure you’re treatment is going as planned. It helps in all areas on the user’s journey towards a straighter smile. Track how long users wear aligners daily, get notifications for wearing aligners for too little/long, monitor and view progress by comparing your smile for each tray, etc.

App for Orthodontics

Vizrom Signs

This solution is designed to replace conventional whiteboards with handwritten writing. A hospital room is designated for each digital whiteboard. When a patient enters the room, the screen will automatically pre-populate with their information. The patient's information is automatically retrieved from the EHR system and shown on the screen in accordance with HIPPA regulations rather than having to be manually entered by a member of the care team.

Vizrom Signs

Logistics ERP

The ERP application handles and controls business activities like sales, marketing, delivery, billing, inventory management, quality management, and human resource management. This application typically integrates all facets of an operation including product planning, development, manufacturing — in a single database, application and user interface.

Logistics ERP

On demand Fitness

It aims to make world-class digital fitness technology accessible to all gyms, fitness studios & trainers. Enable Health and Wellness anywhere by offering solutions around the end consumer experience.

On demand Fitness

Product Information Management System

Organizations waste way too much money and time pushing paper to process purchase orders. Retrieving meaningful insights is practically impossible because of the paper-driven process and disparate data blocks. This application is an all in one online platform that can help you automate and manage most of your business activities such as purchase order management , content management system for your product cataloue, supplier mangement, inventory management, competitor price analysis, data warehousing, shipping and logistics management.

Product Information Management System
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