Meet with team smartData

Calendar April 17 - 21, 2023
location Chicago, IL

Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible through the internet. The Internet of Things (IoT), or Internet of Everything (IoE), consists of all web-enabled devices that collect, send and act on data acquired from surrounding environments through embedded sensors, processors and communication hardware.

These devices, often called "connected" or "smart" devices, can even talk to other related devices, as done in one of our projects interconnecting household devices making it a smartHome, and act on the information they get from one another. We can interact with the gadgets to set them up, give them instructions or access the data, and these devices are capable of doing most of the work on their own without human intervention.

At smartData we have worked on integrating various hardware products/gadgets in many of our software development projects. We have successfully worked on these integrations using commonly used communication modes i.e. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and BLE 4.0 technology in both native and hybrid app’s. Many of such projects fall under categories like wellness, clinical, logistics, Fintech, banking, business automation, and home automation.

Apart from above, we have successfully worked over AI/ML, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.

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Recent Portfolio Projects

BLE Integration via Car Charger

The app uses a BLE device connection as a trigger to start a background task (tracking a user's location). As long as a continuous connection with the BLE device is maintained, the app runs a background task and it stops this task when the BLE connection is terminated. 

BLE Integration via Car Charger

Opthamology monitoring

It is a patient monitoring project for hospitals/clinics used to deliver an easy and accessible solution to monitor and screen peripheral vision, initially targeting glaucoma eye disease. Patients can do their tests without interacting with the doctors directly. Instead, they can use their computer/laptop/iPad and use the software in web form so they can do their eye test through the webcam.

Opthamology monitoring


The app is a digital lock that gets operated with the Phone app (IOS as well as Android). The device itself is a padlock with BLE connection to the phone. Communication between lock and app is done with BLE (GATT protocol). TI CC2650 chip is used with specific firmware and protocol. Major achievement in this project is to handle app connection with the BLE device, while the application is running in background mode.

We handled scanning for devices, connected with BLE without any user interaction, while the user can turn on BLE device after few days as well. Achieved various types of encryption to make data more secure and reliable. The encryption we used is SHA-256, SHA-HMAC, ECDHE-CURVE25519, etc. The connection between app and server is done via https.


Music app

An application for the music industry, where the artists can showcase their work and producers can buy the work they like.

Music app

Supply Chain Governance Platform

It is a collaborative platform for suppliers and buyers and labs to manage the compliances. This secure online industry network has been developed for exchanging and managing the documents and tasks associated with compliance and standards. It manages compliance and supply chain communications needs — from emergency communications such as recalls to general notifications via voice, fax, email, and text messaging.

It is a supply chain platform with around 12000 customers who are collaborating with each other on product certificates and this is done in Salesforce. Around 12000 12000 Salesforce organizations have been created for the same. 

Supply Chain Governance Platform

Travel Hacker

This application is used to send the cheapest deals to users. Here users can set the criteria for which they want to be notified. So on the basis of that criteria it notifies the user for the cheapest deal via email. The deals are of 2 types:

  • City Alert: Users can select 2 cities as source and destination. And will be notified based on selected criteria for that source and destination only having the cheapest deal.
  • Region Alert: Here user can select source as a city and more than 1 region (region can be like Europe Asia, North America etc). So the user will be notified based on criteria to any of the airports of the selected region having cheapest deal.
Travel Hacker
Estimate Project