Meet with team smartData

Calendar April 17 - 21, 2023
location Chicago, IL

Great cultures, we believe, translate into successful goods and services, resulting in improved market success and a greater brand identity. This achievement is guided by the following cardinal rules:

First, the Cardinal Rule of 3Cs: This culture propels smartData to achieve success by demonstrating the right mindset towards our customers and by fostering their business growth through Customer Centricity, Credibility, and Commitment – all of which inspire customer loyalty.

Second, the Ideologies of 3Rs: To develop a winning perspective and attain long-term success, the organization meticulously cultivates employees for the Right Talent, Right Technique, and Right Mindset.

Third, the Ethos of 3Bs: The concept of being “Big” in communication, collaboration, and thinking – for Effective Leadership, efficient teamwork, and setting ambitious goals, all of which are crucial aspects for succeeding in today’s globally interconnected world.

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Recent Portfolio Projects

Comprehensive Genealogy Data Management

Digital collection of largest historical newspaper database. Its database has content, images, news clippings and more for tens of millions of newspaper pages and being used by leading educational institutions across the world.

Comprehensive Genealogy Data Management

Telemedicine App for Urgent Care

It is a SaaS based telemedicine application designed to support queue management for patients for multiple facilities. With white labelling feature, each facility has their branded mobile app for their patients.  Multiple consultants are online at the same time to provide urgent care and allows patients to get immediate consultancy with the next available consultant. Clinicians can access platform via [...]

Telemedicine App for Urgent Care

Audit Management System

A cloud based application developed for an organization who provides auditing services to various industries. It manages the complete workflow of audit, starting from creating the comprehensive and customized audit task list based on the industry, collecting and validating evidences shared by the client, and provide certificates.

Audit Management System

Online Casino Gaming

The casino games are streamed live over the online web application. The website broadcasts live casino games using IP cameras and a media server. Users can come to the platform and play games as well as place bets. The IP cameras at the casino will be connected to the Wowza streaming server. The Baccarat game is played in real-time, including real-time [...]

Online Casino Gaming

Supply Chain Management and CRM

It is a supply chain management and CRM system which automates all process in a supply chain from procurement to distribution while managing SKU's and order across.

Supply Chain Management and CRM

Auto Case Creation

In auto, case creates each referral is matched with the existing patient in the system on the basis of matching criteria system sets the Referral Status, and here the possible referral status.  Match note found – If no referral found any match with the existing system, in this case system converts that referral into new patients and assigns a case [...]

Auto Case Creation
Estimate Project