Meet with team smartData

Calendar April 17 - 21, 2023
location Chicago, IL
Answering vital business questions is crucial to successful product development and business outcome. A sprint session is a prime milestone to begin a successful product journey. Our experts at smartData partner with businesses to help answer these questions and proceed to the next level of product development. Backed by decades of business experience, our team assists, and partners in helping make the next move by creating the highest possible value from the get-go.

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Recent Portfolio Projects

Glowing Health

We crafted a brand that exudes beauty. From gorgeous photography that elevates each special health ingredient to custom product labels that celebrate. Glowing Health is a company that strives to provide the most effective natural ingredients to lighten, brighten, remove acne, stretchmark’s, wrinkles and even out the skin. Santeva products contain no hydroquinone, steroids, mercury, or parables. 

Glowing Health

Trucking and Dispatching Tool App

The objective of the proposed application is to create a platform for asset tracking in the trucking industry that operates under a subscription-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) model. It has a mobile app for drivers that helps with dispatching pick-up and delivery locations and calculating total miles driven over a period of time covering duration and trips and a web-based interface for carriers, brokers, and the company.

The platform is integrated with a third-party hardware device that tracks various data points such as vehicle location, door opening, temperature, and humidity in real-time. The data collected by this device is sent back to cloud-based services that can be accessed via cloud-based APIs or the SDK provided by the device manufacturer.

Trucking and Dispatching Tool App

Conversational Medical Education App

AI powered mobile app to educate medical students about patient diagnosis and treatment. It simulates clinical encounters (doctor-patient conversation). Students can study cases designed specifically for the undergraduate medical curriculum or ask the bot questions on common medical conditions. The bot answers with prerecorded statements. It helps medical students to develop consultation, examination, investigation & management skills.

Conversational Medical Education App

School Management System

This is a SaaS-based School Management System that supports different types of models to automate the various processes of schools in Jordan. This has an automated School ERP system that can be accessed through smartphones and it can manage data in one place.
It is useful for pre-registration, student management, attendance management, and teacher assignment and management. School timetable, assessments, school - student relationship, school billing and transportation services - all accessed and managed easily.

School Management System

Confectionery CRM

The application is developed for a personalized confectionery company operating in Australia since 2008 which aims to provide its customers' personalized chocolates/labels for their different occasions, events via high-end designs, flexible customizations and quality products with ease of delivery. Our team was involved to build an in-house CRM, artwork management and order management portal named “Charlie” for the client. Initially, the client was managing all this via different 3rd party applications but we developed a single system to manage all these activities. Orders in the application come from 3 different websites which client has along with few offline orders too. Our aim was to streamline this whole order management, artwork management process and give admin ease to give its customers a smooth service. We developed a CRM and artwork approval system including web forms to accept leads. The application allows us to pull data from Insightly CRM which the customer had been using for order management. Complete artwork management portal has been developed which allows customers to view their current artwork status and also send reminders to customers for approval on artwork so that once approved work can be sent for further order processing. Key functionality here was of tag and status management (similar to what ship station API does) where different tags/status of the order were managed and corresponding updates via email were sent to customers to keep them updated. Once artwork is approved, then order is processed and we have done integration with the “Dear Inventory” system to manage all the inventory and XERO API was integrated for invoice management.

Confectionery CRM

Dating Site

It is a multilingual virtual relationship & network building platform that enables people to find and introduce themselves to potential natural-minded connections over the internet, with the goal of increasing their personal and professional outreach. By opting for special pricing plans, users can get access to premium profiles & associated features.

The platform facilitates relationship’s initiation by offering users

1) Access to the relevant & moderated individual profiles

2) A real-time chatting tool to initiate contact

3) Intelligent matching-algorithm based on factors like interest, experience, age, location, others

Dating Site
Estimate Project