How smartData is contributing to Corporate Social Responsibility

“The secret of living is giving.”

Corporate social responsibility gives opportunities to organizations to contribute towards communities, the environment, and so on. It is a paradigm for the organization to evolve as responsible corporate citizens. Building a strong socially responsible culture is important to build an organization’s brand that works for value maximization. It meticulously augments the value to the organization by philanthropic endeavor. The benefits that arise from investing in giving back programs go beyond the deeds of doing good and provides the satisfaction of serving the needs of others.

Spending time enriching society is a great way to know your community and surrounding yourself with people who are involved and dedicated to bettering the society which helps to gain a unique sense of purpose by serving those who are in need.

The strategic objective of corporate social responsibility is to help society. Organizations should take initiatives in shaping the society we all live in and should take an active role in making the community a better place for all.

By helping the society reflects the company’s culture and its core values which ultimately helps to build respect and good reputation of the organization which can be a great value to the organization in future and good reasons to make a positive impact on society.

CSR initiative at smartData Dehradun

smartData believes in giving back to society. With the aim of building a responsible, sustainable, community, smartData is working with various NGOs across all three locations to take into account social and environmental issues.

Our recent affiliation was with the Building Dreams Foundation NGO in Dehradun that aims towards a multitude of philanthropic activities and initiatives that better the lives of poor children, struggling families, the elderly, the disabled, as well as the community, thereby benefiting the society as a whole.

The goal of this association is to provide support and love, foster and educate children from low-income families, and provide them with opportunities to grow into decent human beings and productive people. We want to better the lives of children from slums, ragpickers, child labor victims, and rural areas by training and encouraging them to learn to the best of their abilities.

Whether it comes to support NGOs and donations to various social causes, smartData takes initiatives to create a better and safe environment for those who are in need.

Corporate social responsibility is an integral part in smartData Enterprises. It has a firm belief in giving back to the community and creating a social impact on society by being a corporate responsible citizen. Apart from the above many other CSR activities have been conducted in smartData under the smartCGF initiative to support society and contribution to create a better place to live for all.