Meet with team smartData

Calendar April 17 - 21, 2023
location Chicago, IL
Healthcare industry has experience a massive change over a decade because of mobile technology, artificial intelligence (AI). By adapting teleconsultation solutions, patient care is now a lot easier than it used to be. Wearable devices and medical hardware help in health monitoring, disease detection, and prevention before any major problem occurs. Homecare services for elderly have become more efficient with these devices. The devices are usually small in size, easily chargeable, digitally encrypted and the sophistication of sensors & communication technologies give way to advanced telemedicine services for efficient remote patient monitoring.

Remote patient monitoring is a major advantage of upcoming improvements in telehealth services backed by smart medical devices.

smartData expertise in developing remote patient monitoring or telemedicine applications, featuring video consultation. The integration of medical devices such as stethoscope, ophthalmoscope, dermatoscope, otoscope and other wearables like Apple, Samsung, and Google health provides real-time data. Apart from the live reporting on patient vitals, teleconsultation platforms provide collaborative sharing of health cases among medical professionals for screening processes and the ability to record video consultation sessions. The data collected supports medical professionals in disease predictions when combined with algorithms and data mining techniques. It also aids homecare providers in taking care of aged people. By integrating features like patient intake, lab integrations, video consultation, homecare services, and pharmacies, we provide telehealth nursing applications that manage end-to-end practices.

Medical Adherence & Health Risk Assessment
smartData has developed applications addressing medication adherence. Medication non-adherence is a growing concern to the entire healthcare system leading to adverse outcomes and higher costs of care. In some disease conditions, more than 40% of patients sustain significant risks by misunderstanding, forgetting, or ignoring healthcare advice. This results in adverse effects to all including clinicians, payors, and patients. Medication adherence is the primary determinant of treatment success.

At smartData, healthcare app developers are proficient to handle your needs in behavioral care, cross-platform telemedicine mobile apps, telehealth nursing applications, disease detection, and prevention.

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Recent Portfolio Projects

Healthcare Practice Management Software

This cutting-edge HIPAA-based healthcare system enhances patient care and empowers patients with intuitive tools to effortlessly manage their health records and appointments, providing a personalized and accessible healthcare experience. For healthcare providers, the system offers sophisticated profile management and streamlined patient oversight, optimizing operational efficiency, and leading to transforming workflow dynamics of the healthcare providers.

Healthcare Practice Management Software

Addiction Free Treatment

The application treats people with both pain medication dependence and heroin addiction through comfortable, convenient, and discrete treatment programs. 

Addiction Free Treatment

IT Services

The application is a marketing website for a team of website designers in CA to help increase their user reach and engagement. Customers can view in detail about services offered and the team.

IT Services

DJ Live Streaming App

A live streaming application for both simple users and DJ users. Both the users will be able to live stream and share voice and video expressions. Users can also chat individually and create group for the chat.
The platform is one of the major live streaming solution providers in the market that provides video hosting platforms to stream live content. Their platform also offers reliable cloud-based solutions for individuals to stream live events at a high scale. To protect the live streaming content, the app is equipped with certain security technology like bypass ad-blocker and access control.

DJ Live Streaming App

Telehealth Services for Rural Areas

Telemedicine platform for instant access to affordable healthcare services especially in rural areas in Africa to remotely diagnose patients with precision. The platform acts as a community between hospitals, doctors, patients, pharmacies, and NGO/Govt organizations. 

NGO’s/Govt organizations give their contribution to community health by providing free healthcare services to their people. NGo’s/Govt takes the community subscription plans on the portal and based on the subscription plan, they receive the tokens by the admin and distribute it to their members.

Telehealth Services for Rural Areas

Oil and Gas enterprise mineral management system

A suite of software products for the upstream oil & gas industry. It manages the geological surveys, drilling & exploration, wells management and petroleum production optimisation to mineral asset management. The product automates the wells' life cycle management comprising of planning, drilling, completion, production and abandonment. The CRM enables acquisition and management of different types of mineral asset ownership. The application manages the intricate relationships between different interdependent entities i.e (prospect, leases, production unit, activity wells, tract calculations) managing extremely large screens and the geometry calculations.

Oil and Gas enterprise mineral management system
Estimate Project