Meet with team smartData

Calendar April 17 - 21, 2023
location Chicago, IL
Though every minute digital technologies are constantly evolving, healthcare sector is still struggling with adoption and ‘digital transformation’. smartData is assisting health insurance companies in designing and developing creative and innovative health improvement programs to reduce costs. On similar grounds, our healthcare developers have designed corporate solutions for employers to engage their employees in lifestyle modifications to encourage a happier and healthier workforce.

With the prime focus on patient empowerment, engagement, our digital healthcare software development is serving all the key players in the healthcare industry. It includes regulatory bodies, clearing houses, insurance providers & medical billing companies, pharmacies & pharmaceuticals, employers, caregivers, as well as patients. Digital healthcare software development at smartData has helped our healthcare clients in streamlining their workflows by providing business intelligence tools. These help to get better insights on health records, population data, revenue cycle management, billing & claim management, wellness apps, homecare solutions, and nursing software solutions. These solutions help simplify the care services, healthcare payment auditing, and learning platforms for self-evaluation with enhanced patient care.

Consumers or patients can have different insurance policies such as employer- sponsored/corporate healthcare insurances, government insurances, and direct insurance from payors. Medical billing insurance claims process starts when a healthcare service provider gives medical care to a patient and sends a bill of provided services to a healthcare insurance company. Our healthcare insurance developers have strong expertise in developing, enhancing, and maintaining HIPAA compliant software solutions based on the insurance background. Know many features of our digital healthcare software, Get your healthcare application today!

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Recent Portfolio Projects

Pharmacy Medication Therapy Management

The main objective of the project is to develop a web-based Medication Therapy Management System that will give clinical chemists a platform to better manage patient medication. By lowering prescription errors, minimizing negative drug responses, and boosting medication adherence, it aids in improving patient outcomes.

We anticipate greater medication cost savings and medical resource cost savings (e.g., fewer emergency department visits) thanks to the platform's improved use of drug therapy. We also anticipate a higher percentage of patients achieving their treatment goals (e.g., blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol), a decrease in drug duplication, harmful side effects, or interactions between medications, vitamins, and supplements, as well as reduced drug duplication.

The platform serves patients who are taking new medications, non-adherent patients, those receiving chronic care, and Medicare beneficiaries- who are over 65.

Pharmacy Medication Therapy Management

Music Education App

The objective of this project is to develop a mobile and web application that provides an engaging platform for discovering, learning, and interacting with gospel music clips. This application is designed to cater to both amateur and professional musicians by offering personalized user experiences, extensive content management capabilities, and advanced video playback features. It aims to seamlessly integrate user authentication, personalized onboarding, and subscription management, ensuring enjoyable user journey from the moment of launching the app.

Music Education App

Restaurant Food Delivery Services

The entire website provides an online market of services that can be ordered online. The application targets restaurants that offer food delivery services. With the help of the application, the users are able to view particular restaurant details and facilities to browse menus and order food.

This website provides restaurants with a convenient and feature-rich restaurant management system. The service is provided to restaurants via a customizable web browser environment using the SaaS (Software as a Service) model. A restaurant can register and subscribe to the service and manage the menus and users can order online with the option for owners to view the placed orders.

Restaurant Food Delivery Services

SaaS-based Tip Accounting Software

It’s a SaaS-based solution for tip accounting simplifying & automating tip collection, tip distribution, and other related services. The system is multi-interface with mobile apps for employers/restaurant owners/employees and has a web-based backend panel for admin. A subscription-based revenue model is implemented.


SaaS-based Tip Accounting Software

Digital business card

A digital business card platform that allows individuals to seamlessly share their contact information virtually from anywhere. Be the first to utilize and improve business productivity as well as strengthening relationships between businesses and networking with a new way to set a fast pace business progression and seeing results beyond belief.

Digital business card

Telepsychiatry platform

A visually captivating and interactive telepsychiatry platform for connecting clients with the right counselor using a reliable, secure, and easy-to-use virtual mental healthcare platform. A patient can communicate and consult with the therapists via video conferencing and chat messages. The platform is based on our in-house telehealth components to overcome distance barriers and improve access to mental health services. It also includes a dymanically managed podcast section and blog section to provide education and awareness to user on behavioral health.

Telepsychiatry platform
Estimate Project