Meet with team smartData

Calendar April 17 - 21, 2023
location Chicago, IL

Retail segment is no more a traditional sales business, in fact, it has evolved and using digitalized ways to connect with consumers. Customers are using both Web and Mobile versions to make retail segment digitalized and use the analytics for further informed decision making.

smartData’s comprehensive portfolio of retail solutions helps customers to leverage digital innovation and create seamless customer experience along with re-imagining core areas of the retail supply chain. At smartData we have covered diverse aspects in the retail domain.

Few domains touched by us include:

  • B2B, B2C, B2B2C platforms connecting multiple entities together.
  • Retail POS, ERP software
  • Inventory and Stock management software
  • Supply Chain management - demands, forecasting, order management etc.
  • On demand solutions for orders and delivery
  • Omnichannel platforms connecting buyers and sellers
  • Multichannel platforms connecting to retail giants Amazon, Ebay, Newegg, Walmart etc.
  • Comprehensive backoffice solutions to manage production process and orders
  • Web and Mobile versions for various global retail clients
smartData through its years of experience has gained deep insights into core specific areas and we are leveraging latest technology stacks to build scalable, robust and high end solutions for global clients.

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Recent Portfolio Projects

Payment Platform & Loyalty Programs

The platform provides a variety of payment solutions for businesses, colleges, universities, hotels, hospitals and many other industries. The PCI compliant payment gateway is being used by merchants for transaction processing. The platform also offer mobile ordering solutions to merchants. As part of value-added transaction processing - merchants can setup loyalty and rewards programs, as well as they, can offer stored value cards to their customers. 

Payment Platform & Loyalty Programs

Audit Management System

A cloud based application developed for an organization who provides auditing services to various industries. It manages the complete workflow of audit, starting from creating the comprehensive and customized audit task list based on the industry, collecting and validating evidences shared by the client, and provide certificates.

Audit Management System

Open Ledger for Loan Servicing

This application simplifies the Loan process for banks and borrowers by eliminating the manual process of documents verification. User fills a loan application form and uploads supporting documents. Then a hashing algorithm (Keccak256) converts the user application as well its supporting documents to a 32-bit hash. These hashes are then stored on Smart Contract against a user ID and a block address is generated for every user.

Open Ledger for Loan Servicing

Physician Revenue cycle management

This solution transforms the reimbursement experience by not only handling the end-to-end billing and revenue cycle processes but also paying physicians upfront for their services. 

This solution gets the healthcare providers paid with minimal administrative costs. It represents a paradigm shift that puts user experience at the core while elevating the quality, increases cash flows and reducing transaction and administrative costs.

Physician Revenue cycle management

Ecommerce Web Application

An e-commerce web application that sells beauty products made from  L-Glutathione.

Ecommerce Web Application


VoIP NLP simulates the real-time human interaction using voice, and help businesses to streamline their customer journey and reducing the number of contacts into the customer support team. The voice bot helps customers to make/manage their taxi booking by communicating with the bot just like they are communicating with a human on the other side. The bot integrates SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) module to handle various incoming requests from the customers and communicates on a defined user conversation decision tree after analyzing the context from the user’s responses using NLP (Natural language Processing).

Estimate Project